
More Classrooms for Inkumbi!

Posted on by Elaine Miller

Out in Zambia, we’re pleased to announce that work has begun on the latest project at Inkumbi Basic School – a new 1×3 classroom block! The building will have 3 classrooms, separated by 2 smaller rooms that may be used as staff offices or storerooms.


The block is being built on the site of an old double classroom building, which had become so dilapidated that it was becoming a danger to use. It was torn down by the local community a few weeks ago and four of AR’s expert builders are now preparing the foundations for the new classrooms.


Inkumbi Classrooms 3

[crowded classroom at Inkumbi]


The original bricks from the old building have been salvaged, as have some of the iron sheets from the roof and we’ll be able to use them again. This means that the overall cost of building the new block will not be as high as if we had had to buy all new materials.

Of course, whilst the block is being built, teachers at Inkumbi are having to find alternative spaces to teach their classes. Some are being held outside under the trees, whilst others are sometimes combined so that two grades use a classroom at the same time. This can mean things get quite crowded, but it is only temporary and we hope it will be worth it when the 3 brand new classrooms are ready later this year!


Inkumbi Classrooms 2

[site where the new classrooms will be constructed]

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