Country Profile

About Uganda and the work that we do there.

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Girls Education

Read more about the projects we run to support Girls in Education.

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Training teachers in phonics methodology - providing the tools and know-how to teach and assess students progress.

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Early Childhood Development

Step Up (from January 2022) is a 3 year project to introduce low cost ECD nursery education at 5 schools in the Amuru District - funded by Education Opportunities Foundation.

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School Demonstration Farms

Through this programme we address interlinked issues: low quality education at a primary level, food insecurity compounded by poor agricultural productivity, and access to affordable credit.

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Scholastic Materials

We support schools with provision of scholastic materials, including delivery of thousands of age appropriate fiction and non-fiction books to schools in Gulu, Nwoya, Amuru, Koboko, Kitgum, and Lamwo Districts.

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Construction plays a major part in our programmes. Most projects have a construction element to them - in order for effective learning to take place teachers and students need facilities that are conducive to learning.

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