Meet Vicky Adong #GirlsEducation

Posted on by Elaine Miller

As part of our #GirlsEducation month, we’re going to introduce you to some of the girls we work with in Northern Uganda. Today, we meet Vicky Adong, a 15 year old student in Class P7 at Koch Lila School.

Adong Vicky

When Vicky stood up to share her experience with the girls in one of our sensitization workshops, she said:

“The knowledge I gained back when African Revival came to our school has helped, I have avoided bad friends and abstained from early sex. The pads I received have really helped, the money I would have used to buy pads I now use to buy scholastic materials.”

“I mentored my friend who was in a bad group that went to discos and stopped going to school. I told her to leave that group and come back to school because it is her future that she is playing with. A friend of mine missed the training, I took it upon myself to educate her on hygiene, menstruation and the risks of early sex and pregnancy. We are now completing together as she has listened.”

When African Revival staff contacted the school again recently to see how Vicky was getting on, we were told that she had joined a local secondary school – something she was able to do having been supported by our Girls’ Access to Education Project. It is our hope that many more girls will be able to benefit from this project and go on to achieve great things from their education.