
A Gallery of Photos and Stories: Celebrating School Demonstration Gardens in Amuru District

Posted on by Elaine Miller

Recently, our Livelihood team was joined by Mette Müller Kristensen, a representative of the Besteller Foundation. For two days, they set out together to assess the project and hear the stories of SDG participants – but above all to celebrate the progress of our School Demonstration Gardens! Find out more with our gallery of photos, inspiring speeches, quotes and comments! Click on here to see it!

Here are a few sneak peeks:

At Lujuro Primary School, the SDG group, called Lujuro Farmer Group, took the celebration up to another level, cheering with great joy and enthusiastically performing a bunch of traditional Acholi songs and dances.

The Lujuro P/S Pupils Entrepreneurship Club prepared some traditional songs too. One of them is about teamwork, as they sing:

“We work together, and it’s easier!”

This philosophy was put into practice when pupils helped parents to transplant the onions from the nursery bed. The work was completed quicker, and the parents will show their gratitude for the pupils’ help by sharing the profits with them. 

Inspired by the song, Mette, Bestseller Representative, added the African proverb:

“If you want to walk fast walk alone.
And if you want to walk far, walk together!”

African proverb

And indeed, in the end, SDG is all about working together to ensure equal access to quality education, so that when the next generation walk hand in hand, they can go even further!