
Library Update-Koch Goma Primary School

Posted on by Elaine Miller

Whether you are young or mature, I think we can all agree that there is nothing better than getting completely engrossed in a good book!

booksWell, Koch Goma Primary School’s library has become a place where students are able to do just that. The library was established in 2012, but we recently refurbished it-through the provision of much needed books- so that the facility is now fully functional.

At Koch Goma Primary School, some classes hold over 100 students. With insufficient textbooks, many students struggle to get the most out of teaching sessions. As such, the library-overseen by two committed librarians- has become an invaluable resource where students may read, and borrow books to supplement their learning. Morris, the part-time librarian and literacy teacher told us: “I always encourage the children to look at the books in the library, and read books outside of the syllabus to really enrich their brains and improve their literacy and vocabulary skills” .

In addition to books, the library is full of educational posters, and newspapers are delivered three times a week, which children are encouraged to read to stay abreast of current affairs, to broaden their world view.

headteacher, christopherThanks to these resources, the school’s head-teacher, Mr Loum, has noticed a positive difference in his students’ academic performance. He told us that the pupils “enjoy being in the library; they like it when they can actually read the books. In rural schools, gaining good reading skills is a problem generally because of the lack of resources. Also, children really struggle to grasp reading because children first learn to read and write in Acholi, and then learn English- so it is a long process.”

P5 English booksHowever, each class from P3 to P7 is now encouraged to visit the well-stocked library, to practice their reading, and also gain new knowledge through reading a range of different text books, which the children are allowed to borrow for several days at a time. One student who loves using the library is Grace, a studious young lady in P7, and will be taking the all important PLE exams later on the year, so that she can progress to secondary school. Grace’s favourite subjects are English and Science, and she visits the library each day to read during lunch time, because as she tells us, “it helps me learn better, and I enjoy working hard- so, I borrow books for a few days, and then I return them”.

Grace 2

The vast majority of children across northern Uganda do not have books at home, and so it is a huge boost to the children’s learning to have access to these valuable resources. Not only do books support children’s learning, but it also helps children become well-rounded individuals, and free thinkers. We are convinced that Grace’s improved access to text-books will help her realize her dream of becoming a doctor!

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